Identify Untapped Market Potential

Uncover new referral sources for individual reps through real-time data and Artificial Intelligence functionality that automatically pushes referral source data to the healthcare CRM.

  • Leverage real-time interactive mapping to automatically guide reps to their most profitable referral sources.
  • Access claims data across the entire payor spectrum, including Medicare, Medicaid, and managed care.
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Visualize Competitors' Metrics and Claims Data

With competitor data readily available and updated quarterly, post-acute care providers can quickly visualize if they are performing better than their closest competitors.

  • Deliver timely reports to potential referral sources highlighting the total volume of referrals instead of just percentages.
  • Track competitor referral rates alongside potential untapped referrals for a holistic picture of the industry landscape.
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Ready to grow your <br>post acute care market share?

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