Section | Reports (Tiles) |
KPIs The top section includes three (3) tiles which provide key performance indicators (KPIs) on laboratory volume metrics at the core lab, and/or across multiple performing labs. |
Order Count w/Total Ordering Locations
Ordered Panel Count w/Avg Per Order
Canceled Orders w/% of Total Orders
Order Volume by Location Type
Ordered Panel Volume by Panel Type
Lab Volume Summary This first section contains three (3) tiles which provide insight into testing volume by location, provider, lab department and more. Lab leaders can drill into these metrics to get a more detailed understanding of specific test volume and the volume per patient. |
Top Ordering Locations by Order Volume
Order Volume Trend
Panel Type Ordered Panel Trend
Lab Volume Trending The next section focuses on how the lab volume is trending over time. Containing seven (7) tiles, this section provides a variety of tools to compare lab volume across departments, ordering locations, specific tests, and how the volume may be changing longitudinally across weeks, months or even years.
Ordering Provider Ordered Panel Volume Changes Over Time Top Panels by Volume with Change
Top Ordering Locations by Volume with Change
Panel Name Orderable Volume Changes Over Time
Ordering Location Orderable Volume Changes Over Time
Ordering Provider Orderable Volume Changes Over Time
Lab Workload The final section on this dashboard contains three (3) tiles each of which are designed to provide a deeper understanding of how your accessioning and testing volume is impacting your organization. Understanding if there are spikes in volume throughout the week, on a specific day, or even during a range of hours can be extremely helpful in ensuring your are staffed appropriately and operating as efficiently as possible. |
Average Orders per Hour per Day Average Orders per Day Average Orders per Hour |
Volume Dashboard
Lab Performance Dashboard
Reports | Drill Into (Tiles) |
KPIs The top section includes five (5) tiles which provide key performance indicators (KPIs) on laboratory turnaround time performance at the core lab, and/or across multiple performing labs. |
Ordered Panel Count (w/Avg Per Order)
Avg. Order to Collection (w/% of Order Life Cycle) Avg. Collection to Accession (w/% of Order Life Cycle) Avg. Accession to Result (w/% of Order Life Cycle) Accession to Result on Target |
TaT Summary This first section contains two (2) tiles which are focused on departmental performance within the lab. Specifically looking at time spent in multiple steps within the lab, as well as Panel/Test Volume by department juxtaposed against TaT performance and % on Target. |
Average Panel Type/Panel Turnaround Times
Panel Type/Panel Normal Turnaround Time
TaT Trending The next section consists of two (2) tiles dedicated to the lab’s turnaround time performance over time. Each report provides insight into any unusual spikes in TaT by date and by department, helping laboratory leadership hone in on operational issues in real-time. |
Average Turnaround Time Trend Panel Type/Panel Accession to Result Trend
TaT Exceptions This final section provides a list of any Order which contains one or more tests that exceeded the expected turnaround time (Accession to Result) benchmark set by our customer.
Accession to Result Exceptions
Lab Spend Dashboard
Reports | Drill Into (Tiles) |
KPIs The top section includes two (2) tiles providing key performance indicators (KPIs) on overall laboratory spend. |
Ordered Panel Count with Spend (w/% of Total Panels Total Spend (w/Avg Spend Per Ordered Panel)
Spend Summary This first section contains three (3) tiles which provide more granular metrics into laboratory spend by lab department, individual panel or test, as well as breaking down a customer's average spend per order. These insights help lab leadership look for areas of high-spend and identify specific areas where cost-saving strategies can be implemented. |
Total Spend by Location Type
Top Ordering Locations With Spend
Total Spend by Panel Type/Panel
Spend Trending The bottom section includes three (3) tiles all focused on trending the lab spend over a longitudinal date range. This includes looking at lab spend against lab volume over time, as well as monitoring spend within specific lab departments on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly view
Spend and Ordered Panel Volume Trend
Ordering Location Comparison Over Time
Panel Type/Panel Comparison Over Time
Duplicate Detection Dashboard
Reports | Drill Into (Tiles) |
Duplicate Orders
Duplicate Orders by Facility
Duplicate Orders Over Time
Details |
Duplicate Orders by Panel
Duplicate Orders by Provider
Duplicate Order Details
Concurrent Test Detection Dashboard
Section | Reports (Tiles) |
Details |
Count of Tests
Combined vs Individual Test Order Patterns
Facility Concurrent Ordering Behavior
Provider Detail
ED TaT KPI Dashboard
Section | Reports (Titles) |
Savings Opportunity by Exception Type |
Overall TaT Success
ED TaT Success Rate
Avg TaT
Details |
TaT Detail
Encounter Test Frequency Dashboard
Section | Reports (Tiles) |
Total Tests
Tests Per Encounter Total Encounters w/Tests
Encounters w/o Tests
Details |
Provider Orders per Encounter
(Patient Orders per Encounter)
Provider Ordering Behavior Dashboard
Section | Reports (Tiles) |
Physician Orders per Patient Day
Average Orders by Specialty
Details |
Physician Detail Explore: Average Tests (Average Column)
Test Exceptions Dashboard
Section | Reports (Tiles) |
Total Ordered Panels Total Exceptions with % of total and avg per day
Total Patients Total Patients with Exceptions with % of Total |
Summary |
Exceptions Over Time
Rule Types as % of Total Over Time
Rule Summary
Details |
Rule Type Occurrence Over Time
Rule Name Occurrence Over Time
Exception Count by Exception Type and Name
Exception Count by Organization
Exception Count by Provider
Unnecessary (Exceptions) Spend Dashboard
Section | Reports (Tiles) |
Ordered Panels with Spend with % of Total Ordered Panels Exceptions with % of Total and Avg Spend per Exception
Total Exception Spend with Avg Spend per Ordered Panel
Summary |
Exception Spend by Rule Type
% of Total Spend by Rule Type Trend
Details |
Exceptions with Spend
Ordering Location Exceptions With Spend
Provider Exceptions With Spend
Exception Validation Dashboard
Section | Reports (Tiles) |
Details |
Exception Validation Report
Test Utilization Guidelines
Configure Clinical Parameters | Information |
Guideline Summary Tab This tab shows the criteria used to determine whether a panel follows optimized ordering guidelines or is flagged as an exception. |
Guideline Name Guideline Type Guideline Category Time Offset Gender Age: Minimum Age, Maximum Age, Age Operator Diagnosis: Diagnosis Codes, Diagnosis Code Level, Diagnosis Code Exception Specialty: Specialty Names, Specialty Record Type, Specialty Exception Patient Location: Patient Location, Patient Location Exception ADT: Admit Days, Discharge Days, Admit Date Exception Medication: Medication Codes, Pharmaceutical Class, Therapeutic Class, Medication Exception Specimen: Specimen Type Codes, Specimen Type Exception Result Values: Panel (Test) Code, Compare Operators, Result Values, Result Types, Result Exception Guideline Outcome
View Guidelines Tab View all guidelines defined for the system, in addition to filtering options on the fields noted. All columns in the Guideline Summary Tab are repeated in this tab, with the addition of a column for ‘Enabled’. |
Guideline Name Panel Code Conn ID Guideline Type |
Insert Guidelines Tab Allows a user with appropriate permissions to add guidelines to the system.
Insert Individual Guideline Upload CSV File |
Guideline Exception Reason Tab Allows a user with appropriate permissions to view or insert guideline exception reasons.
View Guideline Exception Reasons Insert Guideline Exception Reasons |