Blood Utilization - Volume Dashboard

Blood Utilization – Volume Dashboard includes the following reports:

  • Summary Statistics
  • Average Transfusions by Order Day of Week
  • Speciality Distribution
  • Product Type Trend
  • Product Volume by Location

Blood Utilization - C/T Ratio Dashboard

Blood Utilization – C/T Ratio Dashboard includes the following reports:

  • C/T Ratio Trend
  • Physician C/T Ratio

Blood Utilization - Blood Waste Dashboard

Blood Utilization – Blood Waste Dashboard includes the following reports:

  • Product Waste Trend
  • Product Waste Breakdown: Discard
  • Product Waste Breakdown: Outdated

Blood Utilization - Appropriateness Dashboard

Blood Utilization – Appropriateness Dashboard includes the following reports:

  • RBC Transfusions
  • RBC Exceptions Over Time
  • Plasma Transfusions
  • Plasma Exceptions Over Time
  • Platelet Transfusions
  • Platelet Exceptions Over Time