By Mackin Bannon

August 7, 2024

Many labs struggle to obtain the insights they need to run their business, for a variety of reasons. All too often, labs run on an array of siloed systems – the LIS, the billing system, the CRM – that don’t talk to one another and aren’t designed to provide robust lab analytics, enable effective outreach or manage customer service. 

Some labs may manage reporting and outreach manually in spreadsheets, a time-consuming process when there is little time to waste. Others may rely on teams outside the lab and hope they have time to get to their project. But these groups, such as IT, are stretched just as thin as the laboratory and often have to serve the entire organization.

What labs need is a technology solution that not only provides them the data and tools they need, but that enables them to self-serve. When lab leaders are enabled with robust analytics built for the lab that are quick and easy to access and allow for customization, it allows them to make timely, data-driven decisions to grow their business and improve patient care.

Thankfully, hc1 is able to provide that solution! Continue reading to learn more about how hc1 enables lab leaders to become their own data analyst with self-serve reporting built for the lab.

hc1 Gets the Lab

Part of what makes hc1 so unique is that we exclusively serve clinical laboratories. hc1 was created because our founder recognized that if labs could organize the vast amounts of powerful data they produce into actionable insights, they could be empowered to better manage operations, as well as personalize and advance care for all patients. 

Because of this, we understand laboratories both from a relational and technical perspective. We know labs’ struggles, goals and desires, because many of our employees are former laboratorians. And we’re masters of healthcare data and laboratories’ native data format, having served hundreds of lab locations and integrated with over 80 unique lab systems.

All Your Lab Data in One Place

hc1 tears down the data silos in your lab by aggregating your key lab data sources into a single, cloud-based environment. This eliminates those hours upon hours of manual data collection. Then, to power you up, we can integrate other data sources – billing, couriers, supplies, instrumentation, EMR – to help you surpass the limitations of these narrowly focused systems.

We also standardize and validate your data. Just like not all PR is good PR, not all data is good data. Data on tests or patient encounters in different systems doesn’t always line up. There can be inconsistencies between hospitals within a health system or lab departments within an organization. Messy data will produce messy results, so we ensure that your data is clean so you can gain accurate insights into your lab.

Robust, Real-Time Lab Reporting

Our suite of robust analytics tools goes far beyond what laboratory information systems, or even big-name analytics tools, can provide. Built for the lab from the ground up, hc1 unlocks your data’s vast potential by revealing actionable insights that enable you to drive superior performance and care.

With hc1, you no longer need to turn to IT or other teams for custom lab reporting – you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Become Your Own Data Analyst

However, for those times where you do want to go beyond what hc1’s standard dashboards provide, we offer hc1 Insights Builder. This tool enables you to design, build and manage custom dashboards and reports. Whether you want to copy and tweak one of our standard dashboards or create something from scratch, we give you the power to design data analytics to meet your needs – without needing advanced knowledge or expertise.

With Insights Builder, you don’t have to:

  • Pay exorbitant consulting fees to have a vendor expert come in and create custom reports.
  • Download and manipulate data in Excel, putting your organization at risk of a security breach.
  • Sit around and wait for other teams to get to your custom reporting request.

hc1 can serve as your lab’s single source of truth – the one place you can go to gain insight into all areas of your business. No more siloed data. No more manual processes. No more reliance on other teams to get you the information you need to succeed. To see how hc1 can help you become your own data analyst, request a demo with an hc1 expert today.


Mackin Bannon is the Product Marketing Manager for hc1. Mackin held various roles covering nearly every marketing area before settling on product marketing as a focus and joining hc1 in 2022. During the workday, he enjoys bringing stories to life in clear and creative ways. In his free time, he enjoys following his favorite sports teams, collecting vinyl records and exploring Indianapolis.

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